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Massively Parallel Procrastination

Since I should be working

10 things I've done that you probably haven't.

10. Had somebody punch me in the face for my political beliefs.

9. Scratched my cornea. Twice.

8. Met people who'd been to my house (but I had never met or even seen before) on the subway in a city in another country.

7. Had a New York cop try to sneak me into a bar. (He failed).

6. Written an IETF Working Group charter.

5. Convinced a major-label artist to release a single on the internet before anyone had heard of mp3

4. Started a company that earns me and others a decent living giving away software that we make.

3. Been swept out to see by the undertow and only lived to tell the tale because there was a kind surfer nearby.

2. Been on a heroin buy in a country where drug trafficking gets you locked up for life.

1. Convinced thousands of people trust me with lists of their crushes, so that I could get them laid.

(Friends locked for #2)