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Massively Parallel Procrastination

June 14 - Boston - Birthday Party

So. My birthday is again approaching. I'm sure you're all
terribly surprised that I'm going to have a party. Like last year,
it's going to be out in suburbia at my mom's place, which has several
distinct advantages over my house in somerville:

* There's a yard
* There's a grill
* There's a swimming pool.

Date: Saturday 14 June 2003
Time: 3PM to 3AM or so
Location: 22 Kirkstall Rd, Newton, MA 02460 [MAP]

Phone: My cell is +1 617 319 5823. The house phone, which is
reasonable to use day-of is +1 617 965 1008

There will be some food on hand, but it would be delightful if folks could
bring things to drink or grill. If you want to swim, you should bring
along a bathing suit. We've got enough towels to dry everybody off.

RSVPs to are encouraged, but by no means required. SOs, roomates and other
hangers-on are definitely welcome, but a heads up would be good. If you
think I've accidentally left someone off the list, send me mail and I'll
forward the invite to them. There are two sweet, young Gordon Setters
who will likely be around. They're friendly, but at least one of them
barks a bit.

See you in a couple weeks,
