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Massively Parallel Procrastination

gare du nord

I'm sitting at a cafe in Paris Gare du Nord train station. Iv'e got 20 minutes to kill. Hey! There's a kiosk that says "WIFI" in big letters. And they've got the centrino brand all over them. And laptops. "Can I use a laptop?"
"It doesn't work"
"What if I have my own?"
"Um. come with me"
Whereupon I got signed up for hotspot service. It appears to still be in demo it's FREE.

I'm sitting at a cafe in a major european trainstation with my powerbook. Logged in. Life is good.

Except for the fact taht I lost my ipod this morning. I'm pretty sure I left it at simon's.
I really _hope_ I left it at Simon's.

And then I left my mobile on the coach from oxford to Heathrow. Luckily I managed to track the bus down. The driver had found it and hung onto it. I then narrowly avoided missing the bus from Heathrow to Luton. And discovered that the "free" wireless internet service on my 02 SIM (British mobile #) was actually being deducted from my account. So I'm now out of credit on that account. Grrr.
The work part of Oxford was productive. The fun part of Oxford was fun. And there were a wide variety of ciders on tap.

Jeffw should be arriving any moment. Then we're off to contend with Paris for Easter weekend.