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Massively Parallel Procrastination

Not your typical SMSes

The first 3 hours of messages being broadcast through the new tool are. um. wow.

14:24 - sf: thousands marching down market street to Justin Herman from Civic Ctr.
14:27 - sf: send news to 415XXXXXX to send over wire re police or protest
15:15 - sf: police making arrests at market and 8th
16:41 - sf: 100s of cops on market between 7th and 8th
16:42 - sf: reconvergence 5pm at powell and market
16:45 - sf: 500 in breakaway march on 7th heading south past mission. need=20
16:55 - sf: breakaway march at 10th and market headed to rainbow grocery
16:56 - sf: police arresting bb protestors at 7th and howard for crossing on a=20
17:06 - sf: arrests at 7th and market
17:13 - sf: 300+ blocking market at jones-hk
17:15 - sf: 100+ police waiting at 7th and market.-h