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Massively Parallel Procrastination

An untitled post

18:13:25 sf: 15 bikers arrested on turk @ market.-hk
18:15:07 sf: 500+ police in streets from 6th to civic ctr on market. bikers arrested were pushed off there bikes.
18:47:37 sf: 100s have taken streets on market at 5th. heading toward powell-hk
19:01:08 sf: arrests being made at powell and mrkt. reports that powell bart is closed.
19:11:04 sf: 200+ marching up market from 3rd-hk
19:18:53 sf: sfpd reports people using bart tunnels to dissappear and popup elsewhere
19:24:06 sf: 1000s of people on market at 5th in the streets heading west-hk
19:27:52 sf: 100s arrested at 5th and market. disperse order given on sidewalks. people being beaten and running in panic
20:06:12 sf: police saying its ok to encircle and arrest anyone in the streets now without a warning
20:06:16 sf: SFPD says any protestors in the street, encircle &arrest withoutwarning them ANYWHERE IN SF.
20:10:57 sf: sfpd radio Man wearing a grey hooded Gap sweatshirt may be armednear 900 block of Market St. Said to want to kill protestors
. May be
20:11:11 sf: black man 25 year old grey hooded gap sweatshirt on 900 block of market. says he wants to kill protestors. may be armed
20:18:44 sf: 300+ people congregating in dolores park for 8 pm reconvergence-hk
20:21:17 sf: SFPD now sending units to Dolores Park
20:29:08 sf: several thousand marching up market to dolores park, confirmedpolice deployment to delores park -- 300 in park at moment
20:32:09 sf: About 50 protestors are South Bound on Dolores from 16th Street
20:32:38 sf: SFPD report possible protest at 16th and Delores
20:35:45 sf: SFPD report Group of 300 protestors now at 5th & Market
20:38:14 sf: reminder: if u want off this crazy ride, just send "quiet" without the quotes. <3
20:50:02 sf: SFPD: 75 protestors in front of Old Navy on Market street