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Massively Parallel Procrastination

BoredNow update

Two newly functioning commands (or four, depending on how you count)

Will list your friends
friends username
Will list username's friends
Will list people who have listed you as their friend.
friendof username
Will list people who have listed username as their friend

So. I spent all day trying to crank through work and getting distracted by new web-toys. But I got the basics of clickable traceroute and whois into RT for Incident Response and I rolled the first beta of RTFM, the RT FAQ Manager. And, of course, another patch release of RT. And then it was 1am. I spent some time hacking on BoredNow (see above). Now it's 2:36 and I'm feeling sleepy. maybe I'll fall asleep by 3:15 and wake up at 11. and then I'll be one more hour dayshifted. I wonder when I'll next see 8am.